
Two Moms and a Pushcart

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Well, what is it like?

Blogging huh?  I don't know.  I think I am about to find out.  Kateena and I have been threatening to start a blog for almost a year now and I am taking this one head on.  I imagine she will blog here- which I thought may be kind of neat to hear from both of us.  Both Kateena and I are stay at home mom's with husbands who work hard in the restaurant business.  We both had premature children whose early arrivals had lasting effects on them both.   Like their mom's they both have so much in common it's hard for them not to be like "peas and carrots".

Cooking is not my strong point, but like this blog I am working on it.  I just called Kateena and asked what was the recipe for the bacon wrapped goodness I had at her house last week.  I got the measurements in terms of cupped handfuls.  Hmmmm.  Here goes. Chicken wrapped bacon-need to think of a cute recipe name for that- and blogging.  This will be be interesting and I am sure she will call and ask " Well, what is it like?"  Here goes.