It was bound to happen. A pinterest project fail. Yep, and something so simply went so wrong.
Mac and cheese recipe..... yea not so much. I think it was more me than the recipe, or to be specific the cheese is where I failed. I know, right? Cheese fail- how could it be? I don't know, but it happened.
Here is the recipe link:
I have to say, while cooking the pasta in milk was a pain, it was very tasty- HOWEVER, I shoould have stopped there. I added the cheese and the sauce turned grainy- grainy. Don't know, but I am a little traumatized. Pinterest fail, however. I did try. Oh well, bring on the hamburger helper!
Have a great day.
Thanks to Tasty Tuesday for the link.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Menu Plan Monday
Well, when I said I was getting back to a routine, it's a good thing I did not specify a time table. Better late than never right?
Ummmm, oh right menu plan.
Monday: Macaroni and Cheese and spinach
Tuesday: Hamburger helper and corn
Wednesday: kidgits night
Thursday: Tilapia with mixed veggies
Friday: Friends house Friday- mini cheese ravioli with homemade tomato sauce and garlic bread
Saturday: Well, Saturdays are tricky- if Lucy and Ethel don't make an appearance, we will be having creamy Italian chicken.
So there you go. Menu plan? Check. Shopping? Check. (also was able to coupon 9 boxes of Kelloggs cereal and a gallon of milk for under 15 bucks!!!) Fly lady routine, is taxing down the runway, clothes are in the wash and coffee is a'brewin and I am looking to drag Kateena to Zumba tonight!!!
Ummmm, oh right menu plan.
Monday: Macaroni and Cheese and spinach
Tuesday: Hamburger helper and corn
Wednesday: kidgits night
Thursday: Tilapia with mixed veggies
Friday: Friends house Friday- mini cheese ravioli with homemade tomato sauce and garlic bread
Saturday: Well, Saturdays are tricky- if Lucy and Ethel don't make an appearance, we will be having creamy Italian chicken.
So there you go. Menu plan? Check. Shopping? Check. (also was able to coupon 9 boxes of Kelloggs cereal and a gallon of milk for under 15 bucks!!!) Fly lady routine, is taxing down the runway, clothes are in the wash and coffee is a'brewin and I am looking to drag Kateena to Zumba tonight!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Lucy,Ethel and a Menu
EXHAUSTED!!! That is the only word that explains how I am feeling at 9:36pm on this Sunday night. I have been ready for bed for about 2.5 hours. Sorry Oscar but I will have to read about the wins in the morning. I have the Oscars recording but know that as soon as I turn on the t.v or the computer the winners will be flashed all across the screen .I did watch the red carpet show which is my favorite
Check out our friends over at for more menu ideas.
The princess has been on school vaca all week . The past week was all about keeping a four year old entertained and not much of anything else as I was battling a cold at the same time. I eventully won the battle on FRIDAY!! Well maybe I shouldn't say I won the battle so much as just took enough NyQuil that it is probably still lingering in my system. Friday is also being known as the day I broke my "lady parts" in spin class at the Y...not good...STILL NOT GOOD!! So I think I should have used the sick card that day, ohh well you live... you learn, right, probably not because I'm quite certain that G will drag me to another class this week.
The weekend ended with a shopping trip with the family. My hubby is from Brasil and with a trip coming at the beginning of April we decided a trip to the mall was needed. While at the mall I decided to go ahead and make the switch to Bare Minerals make-up. I have thought about for a long time and since my Mama, Sis , Niece and Gretchen all use it and have nothing but good things to say I decided today was the day. Now I am all about the make-up but have always just bought mine at Target etc...or as my husband points out CHEAP!! I have never been a "make-up snob" but as I am getting older my skin is changing and at 31 my skin is breaking out more than at 15. I am really going to concentrate on taking care of my skin and think that switching to whichever brand is on sale might not be the best thing. I am also going back to get the Urban Decay NAKED eye shadow palette . I almost got it today but just could not bring myself to buying it and the starter kit for Bare Minerals. Lucky for me I have the bestest(yes I know bestest sounds cheesy but I do believe he his;)) hubby a girl could get and thinks that I deserve that splurge. He told me to go buy it this week. Our mall trip wouldn't have been complete without a trip to the Disney store. Isabella may or may not have lead the way without our help, is that bad?!?!....Yes, yes my child can get me from any random location in the mall and direct us straight to the Mouse!! We ended out day with dinner at Olive Garden which was super yummy. I always say I am going to buy a bottle of dressing but always walk out empty handed. Next time the bottle comes home!!
I am determined to start the week fresh and getting back to a schedule so I am going to go ahead and post Menu Monday. This week I have also added in breakfast and lunch.
Monday-B cereal and bananas
L leftover pasta
D Chicken stew over rice, salad
Tuesday-B bacon,egg and cheese biscuits
L tuna salad,wheat thins
D hamburger stroganoff, salad and corn
Wednesday- B cinnamon toast(Bella requested)
L ham and cheese sammys
D leftover for the hubby Kidgit night for Bella and myself
Thursday- B oatmeal
L soup and crackers
D pork chops, mashed potatoes and broccoli
Friday- B peanut butter and bagels,yogurt
L turkey sammys and pretzels
D dinner @ G's so I am taking dessert which will be Ooey gooey bars...YUM!!
Saturday -B cereal
L free for all....if we are home but that never is the case it seems on Saturdays no matter how hard we For example this past Saturday excursion was suppose to last 2 hrs max and be home by 1:30 and well it ended up being more like 5:30 and 2 yes I said 2 ROUND TRIPS to Rhode Island!!! We are the REAL modern day LUCY AND ETHEL!!!
D---See above !!
Sunday- B Eggs and toast
L-out with the family
D Baked chicken, potatoe casserole and green beans
Homemade sweet treat will be a new recipe I am trying for banana cake...The hubs and princess love anything banana .
Good night Ya'll and happy Menu planning!!
Check out our friends over at for more menu ideas.
Vacation week survival slacking
UGGHHHH, the manlet was home this week and I got NOTHING done. By the look of Mount Dirty Clothes, close to no laundry was done. I think I cooked maybe twice this week ( shameful- I am aware ), I flaked off Friend's House Friday altogether. Kateena took it in stride ( thank's T). We were supposed to go spinning with a friend of mine in the island of rhode, forgot completely- sorry April :(. Play dates with numerous friends that never materialized- apologies all around guys, I really meant to get together with you all.
We did a tour of local gyms. Kateena and I both decided on one to join, took a spin class- where due to TERRIBLE bikes, we are both experiencing pain in place where no one should endure outside the confines of childbirth. Make no mistake- Kateena and I are a spin veterans! Not so long ago we would spin twice a week. The bikes were horrible at this class and the music..... ALL WHITNEY HOUSTON! Don't get me wrong, I like the late Ms. Houston, and have been more apt to listen to her in recent times, but her genre was not of the spin suited variety. I need a strong up beat, I need tempo sir, TEMPO! Plus the instructor getting off his bike and dancing in front of Kateena and I was most distracting. Maybe we are spoiled, our former instructor was all about the boot camp mentality- the shout at us " ladies, quit your giggling and GET YOUR KNEES UP!" and " you are all right- no one dies in my class" oh! and the heavily rotated " if your legs aren't burning right now, something is terribly wrong." We loved the way ( ok I loved the way) she would see I was lagging and play Ozzie Osbourne's "Crazy Train" to get me to push thru. siiigghhhh I miss Sue. But the upshot is this place offers many classes including the dance-like-a-fool-zumba, and water aerobics, the pool, hot tub (which never fails to amuse Kateena when I step into and do the "eeccch oooch ouch, that's really hot" dance. The sauna and steam room are nice too.
MONDAY, fresh start, routine to return! New routine too. Return to Menu Plan Mondays, Tasty Tuesdays and the rest. I am also going to resurrect my Fly-lady routine. Fly Lady, if you don't know, is a site that helps you develop a routine to make cleaning your house easier. I am not a neat person by habit. Never have been, just my nature I guess. So years ago I googled 'become a compulsive neat freak' and Fly Lady came up. I tried it, didn't really stick and some years later I met Kateena and she told me about the site. Like exercise, cleaning is easier when you have a buddy. Kateena is a AWESOME homemaker, I just don't have her talent or motivation, with this site and her encouragement, the cleaning bug seems to bites harder.
The site is and I thoroughly recommend it. This post is silly long, so I am going to close and go wash and shine my sink.
Have a great day!
We did a tour of local gyms. Kateena and I both decided on one to join, took a spin class- where due to TERRIBLE bikes, we are both experiencing pain in place where no one should endure outside the confines of childbirth. Make no mistake- Kateena and I are a spin veterans! Not so long ago we would spin twice a week. The bikes were horrible at this class and the music..... ALL WHITNEY HOUSTON! Don't get me wrong, I like the late Ms. Houston, and have been more apt to listen to her in recent times, but her genre was not of the spin suited variety. I need a strong up beat, I need tempo sir, TEMPO! Plus the instructor getting off his bike and dancing in front of Kateena and I was most distracting. Maybe we are spoiled, our former instructor was all about the boot camp mentality- the shout at us " ladies, quit your giggling and GET YOUR KNEES UP!" and " you are all right- no one dies in my class" oh! and the heavily rotated " if your legs aren't burning right now, something is terribly wrong." We loved the way ( ok I loved the way) she would see I was lagging and play Ozzie Osbourne's "Crazy Train" to get me to push thru. siiigghhhh I miss Sue. But the upshot is this place offers many classes including the dance-like-a-fool-zumba, and water aerobics, the pool, hot tub (which never fails to amuse Kateena when I step into and do the "eeccch oooch ouch, that's really hot" dance. The sauna and steam room are nice too.
MONDAY, fresh start, routine to return! New routine too. Return to Menu Plan Mondays, Tasty Tuesdays and the rest. I am also going to resurrect my Fly-lady routine. Fly Lady, if you don't know, is a site that helps you develop a routine to make cleaning your house easier. I am not a neat person by habit. Never have been, just my nature I guess. So years ago I googled 'become a compulsive neat freak' and Fly Lady came up. I tried it, didn't really stick and some years later I met Kateena and she told me about the site. Like exercise, cleaning is easier when you have a buddy. Kateena is a AWESOME homemaker, I just don't have her talent or motivation, with this site and her encouragement, the cleaning bug seems to bites harder.
The site is and I thoroughly recommend it. This post is silly long, so I am going to close and go wash and shine my sink.
Have a great day!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Blah, but wait! there are Kateena doughnuts!
I have been having a real case of BLAAAHS lately. I don't know why. I think I have a small underlying cold, that thankfully has not gotten ugly, but is just lightly lingering. I think that is why I haven't posted really. That and the manlet is home for February vaca and underfoot ALWAYS.
Never the less, I made doughnuts for the men. Proof positive I am just a bit off- I am not really wanting to eat them. Kateena made these for the kids a few weeks ago and they were DEE LISH!! So I re created them myself, manlet is completely sticky right now and I am certain the hubs will enjoy them as well. This may be one of those well known things to do, but I was flabbergasted when I saw Kateena do it.
Easy PEASY to do. Fill a pan with about and inch of cooking oil and heat over medium heat. Take a can of biscuits, lay them out and cut holes out of each one. I could not find a small enough cookie cutter ( shocking as there are more than 100 in this house) so I improvised and used the wrong end of my baster....that's right, it's not just for turkeys anymore. ooohhhhh turkey. yum.
Never the less, I made doughnuts for the men. Proof positive I am just a bit off- I am not really wanting to eat them. Kateena made these for the kids a few weeks ago and they were DEE LISH!! So I re created them myself, manlet is completely sticky right now and I am certain the hubs will enjoy them as well. This may be one of those well known things to do, but I was flabbergasted when I saw Kateena do it.
Easy PEASY to do. Fill a pan with about and inch of cooking oil and heat over medium heat. Take a can of biscuits, lay them out and cut holes out of each one. I could not find a small enough cookie cutter ( shocking as there are more than 100 in this house) so I improvised and used the wrong end of my baster....that's right, it's not just for turkeys anymore. ooohhhhh turkey. yum.
When I was finished cutting the holes, I took a small bit of dough and tossed it into pan to test the oil temp. When it starts to sizzle you are good to go.
Carefully place ( I used my hands, but you could use a spatula or other utensil if you are more cautious) each doughnut and or whole into the oil. Allow to cook in oil for about 45 -60 seconds, you want to make sure the dough cooks all the way thru. Flip to cook other side using a bamboo skewer.
When the dough is cooked thru, remove from the oil and place on a paper toweled plate to drain off excess oil.
Glaze? Too easy! Milk, powdered sugar, and a teaspoon and a half of vanilla. Mix till you have the thickened consistency you would like and BATHE, yea I said it BATHE the doughnuts in it.
It's a good thing we are joining another gym- more on that later- because we are going to need it with these hanging around.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
We interupt this Tuesday for Menu Monday!!
So I know we normally post our menus on Monday but I have been sick and well here in lovely Massachusetts it is also February vacation week for the kiddies from school .I was still working on my meal plan as I headed to the store yesterday. I did get my list made and stuck to it for the most part . I did put several...okay alot of "extras"in my shopping cart but I still managed to do pretty good overall with the amount I spent.
Menu 2/20-2/26
Monday- Oven baked Tacos, spanish rice (These were a huge hit with my family) Thank you Pinterest once again!!
Note: For those of you with a smaller family you may want to half this recipe. You could also easily stretch this for a larger group and get a few more tacos out of it by adding extra beans.
Tuesday- Creamy Italian chicken, egg noodles, salad
Menu 2/20-2/26
Monday- Oven baked Tacos, spanish rice (These were a huge hit with my family) Thank you Pinterest once again!!
Oven Tacos
- 2 lbs ground beef
- 1 can refried beans
- 8 ounce tomato sauce
- 1 pkg taco seasoning or homemade taco seasoning
- 1 ½ cups shredded cheese
- 18-20 hard taco shells
- lettuce, salsa, sour cream, etc for serving.
- Brown ground beef. Drain off any fat and add refried beans, tomato sauce, and seasoning.
- Spoon mixture into taco shells.
- Place filled shells into a 9×13 pan, standing up. Sprinkle with cheese.
- Bake at 400 for 10-12 minutes or until heated through.
- Enjoy!
Wednesday- Kidgit night at the Mall for Isabella and myself . The hubby will have leftovers
Thursday- Chicken Stroganoff, white rice
Friday- Dinner at Gretchens . I will be making Ooey gooey butter cakes ala Paula Deen..YUMMO!!
Saturday night-Cowboy steaks, mashed potatoes and corn
Sunday- Spaghetti with meat sauce , salad and garlic bread
Friday, February 17, 2012
Friends house friday's
Good Lord did I ever eat too much tonight. Kateena's night for dinner and she made Paula Deen's chicken pot pie..... Sooooooo gooooood. Here is the link for the recipe- FYI she left out the egg. I am ready to burst, and of course I was responsible for desert- which came from the local bakery-I got the kids cupcakes and indulged Kateena and I with lobster tails. Let me tell you, short of going to Mike's in the North End of Boston, these were the best lobster tails around. That being said, I am currently having a hostile debate with my body over keeping all this food down. Holy Moley, I am in actual pain from eating too much, curse you delicious food, curse you!!!
You'll have to excuse me now, Kateena is peer pressuring me into buying 10 boxes of Hamburger helper as it will be on sale for .39 a box after our coupons. Yikes, forget the over eating, I feel sick just thinking about where to put all the boxes.
Once I have tabled the matter of the Hamburger helper, she and I then have to start hashing the details of the birthday parties of the manlet and his quite frequent accomplice. It's months in away, but a party planned in advanced with some careful thought can be spectacular.
You'll have to excuse me now, Kateena is peer pressuring me into buying 10 boxes of Hamburger helper as it will be on sale for .39 a box after our coupons. Yikes, forget the over eating, I feel sick just thinking about where to put all the boxes.
Once I have tabled the matter of the Hamburger helper, she and I then have to start hashing the details of the birthday parties of the manlet and his quite frequent accomplice. It's months in away, but a party planned in advanced with some careful thought can be spectacular.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
decisions, decisions.....
Unhappy with the gym we are currently with, Kateena and I are searching for a new place, which is turning out to be a work out in and of itself.
Is it so much too ask-and apparently it is- to have a gym that has ample equipment, group classes, and a kids room, reasonably located for a non astronomical monthly fee? Magic 8 ball answer...... all signs point to yes.
I want to take Kateena's suggestion on doing to couch to 5k program and overcome my terror of running. However, we really only have the wee hours of the morning to work out and I am not crazed about the two of us running in the dark. Just the non safeness of the whole thing.
About to dress the manlet for school, and then off we go in search of the apparent Holy Grail of gyms. Wish us luck.
Is it so much too ask-and apparently it is- to have a gym that has ample equipment, group classes, and a kids room, reasonably located for a non astronomical monthly fee? Magic 8 ball answer...... all signs point to yes.
I want to take Kateena's suggestion on doing to couch to 5k program and overcome my terror of running. However, we really only have the wee hours of the morning to work out and I am not crazed about the two of us running in the dark. Just the non safeness of the whole thing.
About to dress the manlet for school, and then off we go in search of the apparent Holy Grail of gyms. Wish us luck.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
We interrupt this Tuesday Lose day for ......
Happy Valentines Day!!!! There is no way I am working out or weighing in today, today is a day of love and that includes the love of oneself. So no hateful weight machines, treadmills, elliptical, or cross trainers. I am all about the hugs, kisses from the manlet, smelling the roses from the hubs and enjoying the day- which yes includes Godiva chocolates! We will resume the self image hatred programming tomorrow. lol
Valentine's day started yesterday for Kateena and I due to the kids school schedule. We were invited to deliver valentines the kids had made in school to a local senior residence. I am embarrassed to admit, I was not whole heartily up for the activity, but I went as I knew it was a good experience for the kids. I am SOOOO glad I went, the kids liked handing out the cards and I loved spending some time with the residents talking.

Valentine's day started yesterday for Kateena and I due to the kids school schedule. We were invited to deliver valentines the kids had made in school to a local senior residence. I am embarrassed to admit, I was not whole heartily up for the activity, but I went as I knew it was a good experience for the kids. I am SOOOO glad I went, the kids liked handing out the cards and I loved spending some time with the residents talking.
Ok, so clearly my photo placement skills need work, but these were too cute not to post.
The manlet awoke to find his Valentine display and was soooo loving it! Lot's of hugs and kisses! It's the 1st real Valentines where he understood, he was excited to give his bus driver his gift and his teachers too!
Poor skills, I know.
I was even so in love with the manlet I made heart-ish shaped pancakes.
I am now going to open my chocolates and enjoy a few chocolates with my coffee. Happy Valentines Day!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's a day early?
It's nearly valentine's day so I had to send the manlet into school with Valentines for his school mates (some kids go MWF others just Tue Thurs). The teacher and the school gave great care to advise that treats be non edible- as to avoid allergies and parents who may frown upon sugary treats. I assure you I am not against the candy, I am a HUGE fan of candy and have the waist line to prove it, especially on the holidays. Kateena and I made very cute treats using glow sticks a month ago and sent them in today. Manlet gets off the bus and lo and behold..... CANDY! A sack full. Now again, for the sake of redundancy, I have no problem with candy, however, it would have been much more convenient to go ahead and make some sweet and crafty treats. Instead we played by the rules and sent in the glow sticks. I wish that the rules applied to everyone not just some.
The teacher and bus driver gifts came out super cute and were super easy. check em out. FYI the bus box came from the target dollar spot.
The teacher and bus driver gifts came out super cute and were super easy. check em out. FYI the bus box came from the target dollar spot.
The tags read "you were 'mint' to be my valentine." Teachers always seemed to have mints when I was a kid so..... well it's the thought that counts right?
Menu Monday. TGIM!
What a weekend.Exhausting! The kids went for a Valentine Stroll sponsored by the local business owners. It was so adorable. Cold but adorable.
We then ran around- as we swore we would not do to get the last of the teacher/bus driver gift supplies. It was not the early night we planned by a long shot.
Home to find the shocking news that Whitney Houston had passed away. Such a great talent to be lost for such foolishness is heartbreaking. I hope where she is now, she has found freedom from the demons that hounded her in this world. Jennifer Hudson's Grammy tribute was lovely. I normally am not a Grammy watcher but I was interested in seeing how the passing of Houston was acknowledged. Katy Perry, liked her performance. Tabloids were all a buzz about how she was slamming her ex in it. I didn't see it. Eminem picked up an award for his album Recovery. I may lose followers, but I am a fan of Eminem and am happy to see him pick up the grammy for the latest work. Nicki Minaj? Have no idea what that whole this was about, but I did not enjoy it. Ick.
So onto my menu plan:
Monday: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans.
Tuesday: Asparagus Chicken and pasta and here is the recipe:
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
I serve it over bowtie pasta.
Wednesday: Kidgits night at the Mall
Thursday: Left overs
Friday: Friends House Friday @ Kateena's- I make dessert- I am thinking watergate salad.
Saturday: Italian Creamy crockpot chicken.
So there is my meal plan. Nothing exciting, but hey, it is what it is. Kateena most likely will be posting later and if you are still looking for ideas- pop onto for their meal plan blog hop
Have a great week!!!
We then ran around- as we swore we would not do to get the last of the teacher/bus driver gift supplies. It was not the early night we planned by a long shot.
Home to find the shocking news that Whitney Houston had passed away. Such a great talent to be lost for such foolishness is heartbreaking. I hope where she is now, she has found freedom from the demons that hounded her in this world. Jennifer Hudson's Grammy tribute was lovely. I normally am not a Grammy watcher but I was interested in seeing how the passing of Houston was acknowledged. Katy Perry, liked her performance. Tabloids were all a buzz about how she was slamming her ex in it. I didn't see it. Eminem picked up an award for his album Recovery. I may lose followers, but I am a fan of Eminem and am happy to see him pick up the grammy for the latest work. Nicki Minaj? Have no idea what that whole this was about, but I did not enjoy it. Ick.
So onto my menu plan:
Monday: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans.
Tuesday: Asparagus Chicken and pasta and here is the recipe:
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
- 2 cups chicken stock
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/2 small onion, finely chopped
- 1 cup white wine
- 1 (8 ounce) package sliced mushrooms
- 1 pound asparagus
- 1 cup heavy cream
- salt and pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
- Place chicken in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.
- While the chicken is baking, place the chicken stock, garlic, and onion in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, and cook until liquid is reduced by half. Stir in wine, and continue to cook until reduced and slightly thickened.
- Add the mushrooms and asparagus to the chicken stock mixture. Reduce heat, and simmer until mushrooms are tender. Stir in the heavy cream, and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Season with salt and pepper, and serve over the baked chicken
I serve it over bowtie pasta.
Wednesday: Kidgits night at the Mall
Thursday: Left overs
Friday: Friends House Friday @ Kateena's- I make dessert- I am thinking watergate salad.
Saturday: Italian Creamy crockpot chicken.
So there is my meal plan. Nothing exciting, but hey, it is what it is. Kateena most likely will be posting later and if you are still looking for ideas- pop onto for their meal plan blog hop
Have a great week!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friend's house Friday
All is quiet here on this Friday. The chillins' have been remarkably good- and with out the aid of any controlled substances! lol Dinner was a great success as well, the crock pot lasagna was a hit with all!
and soooo easy! I got the idea from Creating thru Life here. And THEENNNNN
Despite being exhausted from an all night reading 55 Shades of Grey ( a book recommended by my friend ) all night (and make no mistakes it will keep you up all night!)- Kateena made this most incredible creation.....OMG Ready? It's called Banana Caramel Xango ( pronounced Cha-ngo). It was voted Dallas' best dessert by the Dallas Observer - so of course my Texan gal had to make it. It is so good you'll wanna slap your mamma, her mamma and a couple of old biddies just out of sheer joy.
and soooo easy! I got the idea from Creating thru Life here. And THEENNNNN
Despite being exhausted from an all night reading 55 Shades of Grey ( a book recommended by my friend ) all night (and make no mistakes it will keep you up all night!)- Kateena made this most incredible creation.....OMG Ready? It's called Banana Caramel Xango ( pronounced Cha-ngo). It was voted Dallas' best dessert by the Dallas Observer - so of course my Texan gal had to make it. It is so good you'll wanna slap your mamma, her mamma and a couple of old biddies just out of sheer joy.
Using a heavy hand mixer or stand type mixer, beat the cream cheese and the sugar together until it is soft and smooth. Add the cheesecake and flavoring and continue beating, until smooth.
(Place this mixture down the center of Tortilla Shell if you want the Cheesecake center)
Place a generous portion of Cream down the center of the Tortilla shell. *I removed 3/4″ on both sides, but this is optional. Fold in sides, then begin rolling from the bottom – up and over the cream. Roll as tightly as possible, then secure with toothpicks before frying in hot oil. Once golden brown, place on paper towels to drain. Coat thoroughly in Cinnamon and Sugar mixture.
Well all is quiet now, so I am going to take advantage and post. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
What's cooking Wednesday? OPA!
I really do like this recipe and it has been far too long since i made it. My sister in law is the QUEEN of this dish. You how the song goes "if I die young, bury me in satin"? Ya if I die young, bury me with these potatoes! Chicken with lemon -- Kotopoulo Lemonato | |
Ingredients | |
2 to 3lb. ready to cook, quartered Roaster 1/2 cup Butter juice of 1 1/2 Lemon 1/2 cup hot Water 1/2 cup chicken stock 2 teaspoon Salt 1/4 teaspoon Pepper 5 Large potatoes quartered length wise | |
1 tbls oregano | |
Preparation | |
Saute chicken in frying pan in hot butter until golden on all sides; remove to 3 quart casserole.Add potatoes, pour over the strained lemon juice and water. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and oregano. Bake covered for 1 hour, or until chicken is tender, basting every 20 minutes. Remove chicken to heated platter; pour sauce over chicken. |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tuesday Lose day....
Sounds so much worse after this weekend. I think I would be more okay with no weight loss ( mind you no gain either and that may be due to the gym-ing every day last week) if the Patriots had won the Superbowl. Alas, they did not and I ate my way thru 4 hours of football and ate away at the tons of leftovers. Let me tell you, loss is not a dish best served reheated. Blech. The upshot is that I worked much of the said left overs into my meal plan for the week.
Zumba tonight to add some cardio- because it is NEEDED.
Well when one get's off track there is nothing left to do that get back on. Here I go.... can someone give me a boost? Those deviled eggs went right to my thighs.....uggh.
Zumba tonight to add some cardio- because it is NEEDED.
Well when one get's off track there is nothing left to do that get back on. Here I go.... can someone give me a boost? Those deviled eggs went right to my thighs.....uggh.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Menu Monday and Cleaning Too!
This week starts off a little bit on the sad side.....The Patriots lost the Super Bowl.Next to the Cowboys they are my favorite team. I'm not sure what happened but it was a good game till the end.
Big Y had a great sale this week so I was able to stock up on alot this week which was great since I only needed 10 things after doing my menu plan. I was able to use the extra money towards stocking up. As a bonus I also bought TAB!! I have not seen TAB in years.It is currently in the fridge chilling for Wednesday night when G comes over to watch Ringer.
Menu Plan 2/6-2/12
Monday-Parmesean crusted tilapia,green beans and ranch rice
Tuesday-Tomato basil chicken, butter noodles and peas
Wednesday- Kidgit night for myself and Isabella, leftovers for the hubby
Thursday-Chicken salad wraps and apple slices
Friday- Brazilian chicken stew in the crockpot for the hubby. Dinner at G's so I will be making strawberry oat bars for dessert.
Sunday-Chicken marsala, green beans and mashed poatoes
This week my goal is to deep clean my bedroom and organize our closet.I'm not sure who has more shoes....Me or the Hubby....I need to get it under control and hopefully keep it that way :) I'm hoping that putting it out there it will make me more accountable. So next week when I do Menu Monday I will give a update and the goal for next week.Maybe I will be brave and post before and after pictures..maybe ?!?!
P.S I would love for someone to tell Gisele that you do not PRAY for personal gain.You pray for strength,healing,comfort and understanding. NOT that your husband wins a GAME! ( I will step down off my milk crate now)
Big Y had a great sale this week so I was able to stock up on alot this week which was great since I only needed 10 things after doing my menu plan. I was able to use the extra money towards stocking up. As a bonus I also bought TAB!! I have not seen TAB in years.It is currently in the fridge chilling for Wednesday night when G comes over to watch Ringer.
Menu Plan 2/6-2/12
Monday-Parmesean crusted tilapia,green beans and ranch rice
Tuesday-Tomato basil chicken, butter noodles and peas
Wednesday- Kidgit night for myself and Isabella, leftovers for the hubby
Thursday-Chicken salad wraps and apple slices
Friday- Brazilian chicken stew in the crockpot for the hubby. Dinner at G's so I will be making strawberry oat bars for dessert.
Sunday-Chicken marsala, green beans and mashed poatoes
Strawberry Oatmeal Bars from the Ree aka Pioneer Woman
- 1 3/4 sticks salted butter, cut into pieces, plus more for greasing pan
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cup oats
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- One 10 to 12-ounce jar strawberry preserves
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9-by-13-inch rectangular pan.
Mix together the butter, flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder and salt. Press half the oat mixture into the prepared pan. Spread with the strawberry preserves. Sprinkle the other half of the oat mixture over the top and pat lightly. Bake until light brown, 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool completely, and then cut into squares.
This week my goal is to deep clean my bedroom and organize our closet.I'm not sure who has more shoes....Me or the Hubby....I need to get it under control and hopefully keep it that way :) I'm hoping that putting it out there it will make me more accountable. So next week when I do Menu Monday I will give a update and the goal for next week.Maybe I will be brave and post before and after pictures..maybe ?!?!
P.S I would love for someone to tell Gisele that you do not PRAY for personal gain.You pray for strength,healing,comfort and understanding. NOT that your husband wins a GAME! ( I will step down off my milk crate now)
Menu Plan Monday 2-6-2012
I am feeling very "Eyore-ish" this morning. Despite disaster, the sun rises and life goes on. I won't lie that I am thoroughly disappointed in my beloved Patriots, and this game could have been theirs had they just been a but sharper on the receivers. I am trying desperately to hold to the ideal I had a week ago that win or lose they made it and some one has to go home without a trophy. Unfortunately it is us today. no good.
So here is my menu plan for the week. Simple because I need to get rid of ALL this left over food. YIKES.
Monday: BBQ kielbasa with mashed potatoes and spinach
Tuesday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Wednesday: Greek chicken thighs with lemon and potatoes with green beans
Chicken with lemon -- Kotopoulo Lemonato | |
Ingredients | |
2 to 3lb. ready to cook, quartered Roaster 1/2 cup Butter juice of 1 1/2 Lemon 1/2 cup hot Water 2 teaspoon Salt 1/4 teaspoon Pepper 5 Large potatoes quartered length wise | |
1 tbls oregano | |
Preparation | |
Saute chicken in frying pan in hot butter until golden on all sides; remove to 3 quart casserole.Add potatoes, pour over the strained lemon juice and water. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and oregano. Bake covered for 1 hour, or until chicken is tender, basting every 20 minutes. Remove chicken to heated platter; pour sauce over chicken. |
Thursday: Hamburger Helper
Friday: Crockpot Lasagna - my Pinterest project
Saturday: Leftovers
Nothing exciting, but that's going to be the tone of the week. I can only hope a good score from my coupon guy may lighten the mood.
PS. Redtinis? not terribly impressed...maybe we made them wrong. Kateena and I added more liquid and by liquid I mean vodka, but nothing really to write home about. hmmmm
And if you don't like my menu you check out others at
And if you don't like my menu you check out others at
Friday, February 3, 2012
Of Superbowls and Shopping
Friday is upon and so is the Super Bowl! GO PATS!!!!! This week was Kat's turn for dinner, she made a cheesy alfredo chicken bake that was tasty and hearty, very good. I made something called Banofee Pie.... Good lord is it sweet..... like so sweet it is LUDICROUS! Check it out.
This starts with a graham crust and then you pour in a can of Dulce de Leche, layer sliced bananas, another can of Dulce de leche and then top with whip cream and chocolate shavings..... OMG. One piece could literally do you in...... so sweet. So I made it, it was not food porn necessarily, but I am getting better.
We also reserve Fridays to watch one of our favorite shows- The Ringer- it just came back from hiatus and both of us are completely mystified...... WHAT IS SHE THINKING?!?!
We made out menu plan and shopping list for Sunday, turns out I had a lot of the stuff already- score!
Menu Plan : Super Bowl Sunday
Spinach Artichoke dip
Corn dip
Ham sliders
BBQ Keilbasa
Meatball Sliders
Black Magic cake
Strawberry Champagne slushies
That's it- I have a raging headache from a busy sort of stressed day and possibly a toxic level of sugar in me right now. Good thing I hit the gym every morning, because this pie was a pound packer on.
Good nights!
This starts with a graham crust and then you pour in a can of Dulce de Leche, layer sliced bananas, another can of Dulce de leche and then top with whip cream and chocolate shavings..... OMG. One piece could literally do you in...... so sweet. So I made it, it was not food porn necessarily, but I am getting better.
We also reserve Fridays to watch one of our favorite shows- The Ringer- it just came back from hiatus and both of us are completely mystified...... WHAT IS SHE THINKING?!?!
We made out menu plan and shopping list for Sunday, turns out I had a lot of the stuff already- score!
Menu Plan : Super Bowl Sunday
Spinach Artichoke dip
Corn dip
Ham sliders
BBQ Keilbasa
Meatball Sliders
Black Magic cake
Strawberry Champagne slushies
That's it- I have a raging headache from a busy sort of stressed day and possibly a toxic level of sugar in me right now. Good thing I hit the gym every morning, because this pie was a pound packer on.
Good nights!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Good for a WHOLE Year!!!
Bella : Momma where is the Christmas tree??
Me: Its in the garage sweetie with all the Christmas decorations.
Bella: When can we put it up again??
Me: Next Christmas.
Bella: When is that??
Me:In about 11 months.
Bella:Then I can open presents, YAY...I LOVE PRESENTS!!
Me: Well, yes then you can open presents.But only if you are a good girl this year.
Bella: AWE, so I have to be good for a WHOLE year,thats NOO FUN!!
Me: Its in the garage sweetie with all the Christmas decorations.
Bella: When can we put it up again??
Me: Next Christmas.
Bella: When is that??
Me:In about 11 months.
Bella:Then I can open presents, YAY...I LOVE PRESENTS!!
Me: Well, yes then you can open presents.But only if you are a good girl this year.
Bella: AWE, so I have to be good for a WHOLE year,thats NOO FUN!!
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