
Two Moms and a Pushcart

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 and resolutions.

Well, you can't resolve to blog more on FB and then not do it.  So 1st bog of the new year!!

I sent Kateena the sign in info, so hopefully she will be blogging too and this will turn into more of the She said and She said blog we both envisioned.

Then chili chicken I first posted about?  FANTABULOUS!  It is now a staple in my menu planning (to be- another resolution)  I am hoping that with some time I will know the recipe well enough and look as Food Network-ish Kat does  when she makes it.

So 1st order of business ( or is it 2nd at this point ) is to get back to basics with my couponing and that means meal planning as well.  This is supposed to be a big coupon insert weekend so I will get be getting a globe and a herald today.

GYM, tomorrow.  9am T? maybe?  SOMETIME during the day though.  It is a must!!!!!!

For today, just the papers, reorganizing my pantry and hoping Kateena will post ( hint hint T.)  I take that back, she was really awesome yesterday in helping me track down an elusive Melissa and Doug Chore chart for the Manlet to start the new year off.  So I guess I can let the her posting slide, a little.  lol

So off to the pantry I go and wait for the Hubs to awake and take me out today for coupons and maybe some brunch, after all GYM TOMORROW. (gulp)

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